Paljas Restaurant and Shop in Loxton
Paljas Restaurant and Shop in Loxton

Loxton is quite limited in terms of restaurant options and the fare tends to be very coffee shop orientated.
Most of the accommodation available tends to be self-catering although fully catered accommodation is available by prior arrangement.
Meltonwold Guest Farm on the Victoria West road provides full-board lodging and specialises in local produce. The restaurant is open for breakfast, lunch and supper.
Both Paljas Restaurant and Die Rooi Granaat in Loxton provide light meals, takeaways and coffee.

Restaurant Telephone Number
Die Rooi Granaat, Koffiewinkel & Deli +27 (0)82 805-2982
Paljas Restaurant & Shop +27 (0)53 381-3124
Meltonwold Guest Farm +27 (0)53 621-0906